So I've been craving a lush fresh face mask for a couple weeks... And as it's snowing like crazy I can't go out to the mall to pick one up. So I got on the internet and started fantasizing...ahem... About their fresh face masks and which one I will get.
I have to admit, the thought of cosmetic warrior is great, but people always complain about the smell. This one is said to brighten and even skin tone and clear acne.
And then I clicked on love lettuce - said to do the same thing except this one also exfoliates and tightens your skin as well, and it smells good! So I think, oh well I'll probably get this one.
And then I remember I HAVE AN AVOCADO IN MY FRIDGE!!!!
So, while I am inspired to combine these to masks, I am also limited to what ingredients are not rotten - as my mother insists you can 'just cut the brown part off'. So, I found my avocado, and remembering my extensive knowledge on all things lush, including which ingredient does what, picked up some lime juice, and then not wanting my skin to dry out, I grabbed some honey as well. My dad got one of those cappuccino foamers from IKEA, and so I poured lime juice in a sauce bowl and turned the foamer on, and slowly added the honey until it became a foam and was thoroughly mixed. I then whisked the avocado until it was completely smooth. And then I asked about the nuts. (Is it bad I tried to spell nuts with two t's, like the retro massage bar?!) I asked if we had almonds, as chopped almonds draw out impurities as well as exfoliate your skin. Grabbed those, chopped about seven to a fine dust, and added them to my mixture. Not wanting my mask to go bad before the Super Bowl game started, and thinking the lime juice would prevent it from freezing, I popped it in the freezer. Well, it froze and it was like an avocado ice cream. I melted it in my hands (which is why it is not caked on in that one picture) and left it on for about ten minutes. I kid you not, my skin is GLOWING, TIGHT, BRIGHTER, AND SOFTER. I AM A LUSHINARY GENIUS!!!! You must now down to my power.
Not really. But seriously, try this! It worked so great for me that I actually plan to submit it to Lush. Eep!! <3
Stay lushable! (AND GO SEAHAWKS!!!)