Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Lush update

Hey guys. Sorry it's been forever since I did anything on here, I had a horrible skin reaction to something. It might have been lush, but we're not sure. It kept me up all night for a week straight, I missed school... It got to the point where they had to give me two shots and take a biopsy. I also had a huge loss in my family, and it's hard to even wake up and move let alone think about what to write. But I went to lush yesterday to return the items that I think caused the reaction - it ended up being 20 dollars worth. So I grabbed a solid shampoo since I'll be going out of town here, more coalface because it just works so well, with a small slice of sultana soap (once past the smell, it's really nourishing) and one of sexy peel. I also got cupcake - I love it. Definitely going to buy it and buy it and buy it. 
Stay lushable

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