Monday, November 18, 2013


Ok, so I know this blog is supposed to be completely about lush, but I figure that since this is a near and dear situation to my heart, I figured I would put it up. I think it's always great to have these things available, and since I live in the mountains, it's great for me to be prepared. So here's a list of things so that you can be prepared as well! Some things are optional, so you can pick and choose.

Emergency kit for car:
travel size:
1 Shampoo
1 Conditioner
1 Lotion
1 Deodorant 
1 Face wash
1 Brush/comb
1 Toothbrush
1 Toothpaste / mouth wash
3 ziplock bags
Perfume/body splash
Full size/ regular size items:
3 Tampons
2 pads
2 pair of underwear
2 pairs of socks
1 dry shampoo
1 blanket
1 bag of dried food ( trail mix, berries..)
1 flashlight
1 hat
1 Pair of sunglasses
5 one dollar bills
Loose Change
1 phone charger
1 jump cable set
3 back up batteries for flashlight
1 pair of gloves
1 hoodie
1 pair of tennis shoes
1 lighter 
1 help sign
1 reflector
1 whistle
1 bear bell
1 knife (if you're in  highschool like me, keep it in the glove box or with camping items so if you get searched they know)
1 sleeping bag (optional, take up A LOT of space)
1 fold up tent  ( or sleep in your car)
2 stakes (see fold up tent)

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