Friday, June 21, 2013
In the jungle, the mighty jungle...

Thursday, June 20, 2013
Mini LUSH haul
Just came home from the mall. Only spent money in lush! I love this store, very much. Today I got the jungle conditioner, the Wiccy magic muscles massage bar, another tea tree toner tab, a secret garden bath bomb, a Phoenix rising bath bomb, and a ten dollar chunk of coalface. Erika and Ashley, the ladies that were working the floor today, are always so sweet to me. Honestly, I was worried about how the smell of jungle ( it smells like some spiced up bananas ) would affect my beloved karma komba and the lovely scent of karma, but I smelled it and it clicked - they go perfect together. The Wiccy magic muscles massage bar is going to be perfect on my mission trip ( leave the day after tomorrow!! ) for massaging my sore muscles, and also to help keep my naturally dry skin moisturized. I used it on a small area of my leg, and the warm, cool tingly sensation it presents is very enjoyable and it definitely is going to be very useful both on my mission trip and off of it. I've used coal face about three times and I haven't been breaking out as bad as normal - my skin is soft and smooth and I love it very much. So after having the sample, I fell in love and I would fathom that it is SO worth the ten dollars. Well, $9.25. Phoenix rising in my absolute favorite, so I got that to use in my last two nights, and the secret garden bath bomb, one I have been eyeing up because of the whole flowers and flower petals included inside the bomb.the tea tree toners are amazing and make my skin feel very clean and when I say clean, it's a sweet, nice, deep clean. I get four uses out of a $1.95 product, making each use about $0.49, a huge bang-for-your-buck. The total price of my lush haul today was about $47.00 dollars for completely organic, safe, non tested on animal products that can and will last for years. Totally worth it. Have fun lushies!
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Eat, sleep, breathe, and bathe.
Detroit 2011
In this part of Detroit, there are 3-7 liquor stores for two blocks and a grocery store every ten miles.The elementary school was only closed for six days.
Every four seconds a police siren went off at night.
When there is nothing, there is always hope.
Joplin 2012
The tornado was over one mile wide.
Meth is a huge problem in Joplin
In 45 minutes, over 250 people were killed. (walk and clap)
People actually believe it was their sins that brought god down onto them, and that if they don't change their ways, more than a warning will come unto them.
Some baptist preachers can be idiots.
Just playing with a little kid will change their lives.
Yakima, 2013: many experiences to come.
My current dream is to go to Guatemala with my church, then onto Africa, and to a country that I have always wanted to visit: India. I love the culture and the mix of religions and I've been studying them my whole life - legit-ly. All that is left for me is to walk down the streets barefoot to the Taj Mahal and watch as the sun goes down. My goodness, it's 12:31 A.M here. Might as well try to sleep. Night, lushables!

Saturday, June 15, 2013
Review of LUSH haul
Karma komba: in love. Love the smell, loved how well it lathered and how clean my hair and scalp feel! Didn't have to worry about tangles, either. It made my hair really soft - even without conditioner!
Honey, I washed the kids: my favorite. Hands down. Smells amazing, feels amazing... IS amazing!!!
Tea tree toner tabs: cut it in half, worked very well. I could feel it cleaning out my skin - a very nice feeling.
Haven't tried the other samples, yet. But I already am in love with its raining men, and happy hippy, so I'm sure there will be no problem there. Overall I feel very relaxed and comfortable. My hair, body, and face are all so soft and silky, My muscles are very relaxed, my nose is still enjoying these magnificent scents, and my mind is at peace. Try these, my fellow lushables. My puppy is enjoying them, as well! Goodnight!

June 13, 2013 LUSH haul
My love for lush has turned into a complete addiction. From reading the catalogs twice a day and watching demos on YouTube, to spending more than I would normally ( and sanely ) spend in one store. I just came back from lush not 15 minutes ago, with a very special haul. Headed to washington state for my next mission trip - and a magic idea comes into my head. Why don't I just bring all lush products? Well, today I got the karma komba solid shampoo bar and tin, and a tea tree toner tab. Try sayin' that three times fast! ( don't really, at the risk of personal embarrassment and your social standing crumbling to the ground) plus a lot of samples - the ladies ( and gentleman) of lush now know me by name - something I shouldn't appear to be proud of. ( I am, very proud of this accomplishment) and I have developed a friendly relationship with all of them. The owner of the store asked how I was and what I was up too, so I told her about my mission trip. I asked for some samples, which I have never done before, and now feel like I should have paid for one of them - the honey I washed the kids soap, by far my favorite, was the second sample I asked for. What I got in return was over half of what I was going to buy - but instead bought the shampoo. Honeycomb included, it is half the size of my hand and as thick as my ring finger at the thickest part - which in all honesty, should've been worth 4-5 dollars. She also gave me a sample of my favorite liquid soap, it's raining men. And a soap I hadn't yet smelt (smelled?) called happy hippy. It smells like just cut grapefruit, making me crave it. Which reminds me, I need to run down to Safeway. The very first sample I requested was coal face, a solid facial cleanser that I have been dying to try, and figured that going half way across the country would be a very good reason to want to travel with only solid soaps, including my face wash. It smells divine, not sure what it is yet but it really does smell good. That was a pretty hefty cut if the soap as well! If you haven't been to a lush store, I really suggest you go whenever you get the chance. Their products are all vegetarian, some vegan, ( which, is honey vegetarian, vegan, or does it count as animal meat?) and the workers are all very sweet and helpful. The products I could go on and on about - their lip scrubs, toothy tabs, shower gels, solid soaps, face washes, bubble bars, and bath bombs ( which are what initially got me hooked on lush, the rose queen was my first<3) are very high quality at a great, reasonable price ( think ten and below) and smell amazing. If you're wanting to go to a lush store, visit lush cosmetics. Com and search for a store in your city limits. Warning: it is a very addictive habit. ;) have fun guys!
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