Saturday, June 15, 2013

Review of LUSH haul

Coal face: works really well, exfoliates, and smells like a nice campfire in the mountains. Worked really great at cleaning, and actually lathered really great, which is something I haven't found in the other products. Wait, it's not that I haven't found it, it's that it's a different lather, a creamy, almost lotion-like lather instead of a bubbly lather.
Karma komba: in love. Love the smell, loved how well it lathered and how clean my hair and scalp feel! Didn't have to worry about tangles, either. It made my hair really soft - even without conditioner!
Honey, I washed the kids: my favorite. Hands down. Smells amazing, feels amazing... IS amazing!!!
Tea tree toner tabs: cut it in half, worked very well. I could feel it cleaning out my skin - a very nice feeling.

Haven't tried the other samples, yet. But I  already am in love with its raining men, and happy hippy, so I'm sure there will be no problem there.  Overall I feel very relaxed and comfortable. My hair, body, and face are all so soft and silky, My muscles are very relaxed, my nose is still enjoying these magnificent scents, and my mind is at peace. Try these, my fellow lushables. My puppy is enjoying them, as well! Goodnight!

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