Friday, June 21, 2013

In the jungle, the mighty jungle...

I. Love. This. Conditioner. Karma komba makes my hair soft, but jungle makes it smooth and strong. It even made the ends of my hair even!  Coalface I love, as usual. Last night was my first ever all lush  cosmetics spa night. Bubble bath with the last itty bitty chunk of sunny side, karma komba shampoo and jungle conditioner, honey I washed the kids soap, coal face cleanser, Chou Chou I love you toothy tabs. My mom came in and had a mini intervention ' I think you're a bit obsessed with this stuff' 'mom, it's a good thing to be obsessed with! It's not video games , or drugs, it's all natural.' And she left it at that. I think once she really stops to think about what I'm spending my money on, she'll like it. But the toothy tabs have made my teeth super white, NATURALLY! And the shampoo bar and solid conditioner have revitalized my hair, strengthening it and smoothing it and cleaning it the best it's ever been cleaned. Coal face has evened my skin tone, and has cleared up my acne. Same with the tea tree toner tab. 

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