Imagine we're camping out in the mountains. It's night time, we've paired off and we're sitting around a fire. Someone pulls out a flashlight and starts telling axe murderer stories to try and scare the girls (ugh, Khalil would totally do this) and once that is all said and done, I speak up with a horror story of my own. It goes like this.
So, as it was getting close to Christmas and I was of course in my local lush store, I picked up a couple samples for my dad to see if he'd enjoy anything from lush. One the samples I asked for was the dirty shaving cream, as the smell wasn't to strong and my dad isn't too big a fan of strong scents. I gave it to him and had him try it and I got half of it back with a distasteful look on his face - it was obvious he didn't like it. As I asked him why, some if the reasons he provided to me go as follows:
- didn't lubricate (cringe at dad using this word) his face well enough
- the razor didn't go smoothly on his face
- it just didn't work
With those in mind I asked him if there were any positives and he mentioned that the smell was ok, which in dad language means that I scored! At least I got one thing right, right?
As there was enough for me to try it on a little leg, I opted to try it incase my dad was gipping me from a good review. Here are my results:
- like the smell
- made my legs feel waxy
- didn't work. At all.
- made me cut my leg, because as I moved my razor up the area with the shave cream on it, it got stuck on a couple areas and jumped them, like a pool ball jumps the table, and ended up cutting my leg!
While I might have had a bad sample or you need more than a full large sample to shave a chin, I will not be retrying this and I would not recommend this to a friend. Try at your own risk!